Selected Excerpts

Why another book about marketing?
Why a full-blown discussion just on attracting customers? Hasn’t it all been said before?
Well, not exactly. And frankly, attracting customers is where it all begins. This is unlike any other book about marketing that has ever been written.
Several years ago, we left the comfort and security of our high-paying jobs to strike out on our own and try to make it as entrepreneurs. We started our first company with $200. We bought a phone and the bank charged us a fee to have the account. We were fast on our way to losing money.
We had no customers, no prospects and no leads. Travis’ wedding was six weeks away. Jim’s was six months away and there was no way either of our fiancées wanted to marry a broke loser. We knew we had to do something and do it fast with less than $200.
That’s what this book is about. You will learn how to turn a measly investment in any business or career into a tremendous success by naturally attracting customers. It’s the starting point of true success and wealth and a skill that will serve you throughout your life. […]
Why a full-blown discussion just on attracting customers? Hasn’t it all been said before?
Well, not exactly. And frankly, attracting customers is where it all begins. This is unlike any other book about marketing that has ever been written.
Several years ago, we left the comfort and security of our high-paying jobs to strike out on our own and try to make it as entrepreneurs. We started our first company with $200. We bought a phone and the bank charged us a fee to have the account. We were fast on our way to losing money.
We had no customers, no prospects and no leads. Travis’ wedding was six weeks away. Jim’s was six months away and there was no way either of our fiancées wanted to marry a broke loser. We knew we had to do something and do it fast with less than $200.
That’s what this book is about. You will learn how to turn a measly investment in any business or career into a tremendous success by naturally attracting customers. It’s the starting point of true success and wealth and a skill that will serve you throughout your life. […]
Chapter 1: The Power of Gravity
This simple, little idea would truly make people quickly, easily and naturally come to you and identify themselves, almost waving their hands saying, “I want what you have to sell.” Then you could put all of your focus, energy, budget and time marketing directly to those people who have already told you that they want what you have to offer, that they want the benefit that you offer and they’ve given you permission to tell them about it.
That sale has almost no friction, a higher closing ratio and typically is more enjoyable to make. It also provides you a customer with a longer relationship span who has a higher degree of respect for you and your company, which is very important, and a greater level of profitability to your company, which is extremely important. This process, which we called Gravitational Marketing, causes people, potential customers, to raise their hands and say, “Market to me because this is something I’m interested in.” That is a powerful thing […]
Chapter 2: Anatomy of Gravitational Marketing
Gravitational Marketing is based on the principle that all bodies exhibit an inherent force called gravity that naturally attracts other bodies. Following that analogy, every business has a natural tendency, however large or small, to attract customers. Larger companies traditionally have a stronger gravitational force. Smaller companies traditionally have a weaker gravitational force. The potential of the force is affected by several factors such as a company’s location, signage, current marketing and advertising efforts and word-of-mouth advertising. As the force grows, it builds momentum and allows you to attract exactly the right group of prospects and customers without wasting tons of money.
Gravitational Marketing is the process of motivating prospects to ask for your marketing messages, forging emotional relationships with them, getting your newly formed friends to buy, motivating existing customers to return and ultimately causing all of your customers to tell others, thereby harnessing the power of word-of-mouth advertising, which we all know is the best and cheapest form of marketing. […]
Chapter 3: How To Be Worthy of Attraction
It makes good sense to stack the odds in your favor and give yourself an unfair advantage by turning yourself and your company into something irresistible and unforgettable. That’s what we call sensational. Being sensational is something that any business, small or large, can do with just a little attention to detail and a small amount of creativity. Sensational companies have a greater Gravitational Potential than non-sensational companies. The best news is being sensational doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, if any at all. It’s a fantastic was to give your business an immediate boost just by looking at things a little differently.
We’ve identified seven “B’s” in being sensational. […]
Chapter 4: The Newton in All of Us
There are certain people in every industry who have managed to elevate themselves to expert or guru status. You probably know some in your industry or another.
The truth is that positioning your self as an expert is essential to attracting customers. If you are an expert, marketing your business and your product or service becomes infinitely easier and less costly.
You read it right. If you are perceived as an expert, you won’t need to spend as much on advertising and marketing. That’s it.
The people screaming and yelling and putting pink gorillas on their roofs are trying to interrupt and divert people’s attention. They’re trying to prevent people from finding the experts.
How do you become an expert? […]
Chapter 5: The Object of Your Attraction
It doesn’t matter how good your ads are, how good of a salesperson you are, where you advertise, what you advertise, what your price is or how much technology you’ve got piled up, you’re not going to find much success in marketing if you don’t aim at the right targets.
They’ve already demonstrated what they want and if you’re selling something that can deliver that benefit then that’s a good target for you because they already want what you offer. That’s going to be your easiest sell. Those are going to be the easiest people to get to Gravitate to you.
This is about message to market match. Matching what it is that you offer to the right people who would want to buy your product is the most important step. This is more than half of the marketing process. When you get this part right, when you match what you’re selling to the right people, the process of marketing and selling is much easier and far more profitable. This is true because people like to buy even though they don’t like to be sold.
You want to take all the benefits or solutions that your product can offer and match them to a group of people who are already thinking, “I want something that offers that benefit or solution,” and tie your product into their want. […]
Chapter 6: Increase Your Gravitational Potential
When someone sets out to buy your product or service they have a thousand other options. Why in the world would they choose you?
If you’re thinking about starting a business, if you already own a business or if you’re working in a career as a sales professional you may have asked yourself this question. Maybe not.
Whatever the case, ask yourself now. Why would someone choose you?
Perhaps we should begin with a discussion of why people buy in the first place. Have you ever thought about that? Why do people buy from you? Why do people buy anything?
The truth is most companies ignore the basic principles that cause people to buy. They’re pushing a rope uphill. Over the years we’ve been engrained with the wrong ideas. Most companies are just sheep in the flock trying to imitate what they see on television.
If you can erase these hardwired concepts from your brain, your job will be much easier. By digging beneath the surface, finding what truly motivates your customers and exploiting the information, the task of marketing will be like sailing with the wind instead of into it. […]
Your Marketing GPS
A marketing GPS (which stands for Gravitational Positioning Statement) can help any business owner or sales professional get a clear understanding of their position in the marketplace and where they are going. Perhaps more importantly, by understanding this yourself you’ll be able to communicate it with your prospects which will make them more likely to want to interact with you.
A GPS is essentially a clear and simple statement that defines who you are, the primary benefits you offer and what makes you different from those around you. It embodies your primary point of differentiation and should be easy to understand and easy to communicate.
Your Gravitational Positioning Statement will become the core of all marketing you do; it will become your guiding light that provides a constant reference for what you’re trying to accomplish and the benefits you are trying to communicate. […]
Chapter 7: Creating Irresistible Attraction
We completely understand the burning desire to spread your message to the world. It’s about darned time you start making money with this deal. But we urge you to be patient just a little longer. There are two problems present for most business professionals at this phase.
In any transaction that ever occurs—whether it’s buying a car, buying a house, buying a pencil eraser, doing an oil change, hiring an accountant, hiring an attorney, choosing a hospital and a doctor to give birth to your first child, whenever there’s a sale that’s about to be made or an action is about to be taken—there is a wall that exists between the buyer and the seller. In some situations the wall is like a speed bump and in others it’s more like the Great Wall of China.
This potent barrier is the roadblock and end for most business owners and sales people. To some it is an insurmountable obstacle that renders failure.
Gravitational Marketing will help you pole vault over that wall more easily and more quickly and enable you to bulldoze the Wall of Mistrust. This accelerates the rate at which you can close the sale by causing the prospects to raise their hands and say, “I’m interested…sell to me!” Now you can divert your marketing and sales effort, resources and attention to only those people and truly seduce them into a sale. The Mighty Wall of Mistrust comes down sooner and the sales cycle gets shorter. […]
Chapter 8: Activate Your Gravitational Attraction
Now we’re going to discuss the Gravitational Attraction Techniques that we have found to be most effective. Some of these techniques involve paid advertising and others involve manual labor or free publicity. All of these techniques require either some money or some time to be expended. When implemented, each of these will attract prospects and customers to your business right away.
It’s about getting people to raise their hands and identify themselves to you as interested in the solution or the benefits that you provide. Without knowing who they are, you have to talk to everybody. But by causing people to let you know who they are and how you can reach them and that they’re interested in learning more, you can focus your sales effort, energy and marketing specifically on these prospects.
This will make your sales job significantly easier and less costly. Your life will become more enjoyable, simple and prosperous because you know exactly who to spend your time, energy and money focusing on. […]
There you have it! Gravitational Marketing on a silver platter. You’ve learned how to escape the rat race of traditional sales and marketing, reprogram your mind to expect rapid abundance, position yourself clearly and undeniably as an expert, solidify exactly who it is you should be doing business with, identify what makes you and your company irresistible, tap into the sensitive emotional “GFactors” that make your customers buy and communicate in a way that causes prospects to Gravitate to you instead of you chasing them. This information has set you on the path to creating a business and a life that is Enjoyable, Simple and Prosperous®.
You’ve been exposed to 36 different ways to attract new customers. Don’t take this as an exhaustive list. These are just some of the most common Gravitational Attraction Techniques that we and our clients have used over the years. There are many others available like bus benches, bathroom advertisements and blimps and those are just the ones that start with “b.”
Go forth friends and start. Take action now. Implement what you’ve learned today and you’ll be more profitable tomorrow. Use Gravitational Marketing and you’ll be on your way to a more Enjoyable, Simple and Prosperous® life. […]